Accused of Same Sex Domestic Violence?

Each year, between 50,000 and 100,000 Lesbian women and as many as 500,000 Gay men are battered. (Murphy, Queer Justice: Equal Protection for Victims of Same-Sex Domestic Violence, 30 Val. U. L. Rev. 335 (1995)). Approximately 25% of all gay couples, and 10.8 of all lesbian couples, experience domestic violence. (Barnes, It’s Just a Quarrel’, American Bar Association Journal, February 1998, p. 25.)

While domestic violence is a serious problem in the LGBT community, not not all accusations of domestic violence are factual, and most domestic violence cases are defensible. Attorney Joseph T. Rhea has represented dozens of men (and a few women) accused of same-sex domestic violence in Palm Springs and nearby cities. Ironically, in years past, lingering homophobia toward gay men often made it easier to resolve same-sex cases than cases in which a man was accused of attacking a woman. However, in recent years law enforcement and prosecutors have taken a far more aggressive stance on reports of same-sex domestic violence.

If you have been arrested for same-sex domestic violence, contact Attorney Joseph T. Rhea immediately. He will work with you to craft the best possible defense.

Call Joshua Tree Criminal Defense Attorney Joseph T. Rhea at (760) 327-3711 to schedule a consultation.